Studies and analyses

Our expertise in the field of poverty prevention

In addition to its operational activities, Break Poverty conducts research to better understand the mechanisms contributing to the reproduction of poverty. This research has one main objective : to imagine tomorrow’s solutions to prevent poverty.


The reproduction of poverty, a complex phenomenon

The OECD ranks France 21st out of 22 in terms of social determinism, since it would take 6 generations to escape poverty[1] ,while the average for OECD countries is 4, and 2 to 3 for countries such as Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden[2].

We know that this social determinism is built up from early childhood: at the age of three, a child from a poor family knows 500 fewer words than a child from a wealthy family[3]. A gap that French schools are failing to reduce. Indeed, the French school system ranks 35th out of 38 OECD countries participating in the PISA survey in terms of educational inequality[4]. In other words, it is one of the school systems where the link between precariousness and poor school results is the strongest. As a result, children of parents from disadvantaged social backgrounds are on average four times more likely to leave school without a diploma[5]. In France, nearly 50% of a young adult’s future standard of living depends on his or her level of education, which explains why a child from a wealthy family is 4.5 times more likely to belong to the top 20% than a child from a precarious family[6].

These few lines underline the extent to which the reproduction of poverty is a complex phenomenon, requiring action to be taken on many aspects of a child’s pathway (family environment, school environment, etc.) and at different points in that journey (early childhood, schooling, access to employment).

Understanding these complex mechanisms in order to identify concrete solutions is the aim of our research and studies.



An in-depth understanding aiming at identifying concrete actions to prevent poverty

Sociologists, economists, anthropologists—the research world in the field of poverty studies is rich and the productions are numerous. Our ambition is to make existing research operational in order to identify concrete actions to implement.

More specifically, the spirit of the work conducted within Break Poverty rests on three imperatives:

  • Popularization: achieving clear explanations of complex problems.
  • Field Anchoring: capitalizing on our operational presence in more than 40 territories in France to conduct our analyses.
  • Solution Orientation: identifying concrete solutions that can be implemented by the Break Poverty Foundation or other interested public and private actors.

To achieve this ambition, Break Poverty Foundation has an internal team dedicated to research and studies. This team also relies on external expertise (sociologists, economists, researchers, specialized consultants, etc.) when necessary.

Our productions:

Analysis notes to understand, and strategic studies to take action

In this spirit of popularization and operability, our team produces three types of open-access work:

  • Strategic studies: these studies offer a comprehensive analysis of a key issue for the reduction of poverty. They identify concrete solutions to be implemented by public and private actors. You can download them freely below (in French). 
Inequalities from an early age

The study shows that as early as age 2, gaps in language skills appear, revealing an early reproduction of poverty. It answers questions about these inequalities and proposes solutions, thus initiating an alliance to prevent inequalities from the earliest age.

June 2024
Youth dropout: understanding and taking action

The study reveals who the young dropouts are, traces their backgrounds, and assesses current efforts to support them. It proposes concrete solutions to act together and respond effectively to this emergency. Find out how we can do better.

January 2022
  • Analysis notes: These works help to better understand a specific issue and provide interested parties with keys to decrypt the phenomenon. You can freely download them below (in French).
Are French people getting poorer?

A note that provides a better understanding of recent developments in poverty: is it increasing? is it changing shape? how is it perceived in France?

Youth poverty in France: why is our anti-poverty system not up to the challenge?

A detailed analysis of our system for combating youth poverty and its many shortcomings. Comparisons with other European countries, detailed at length in this note, provide a new perspective for understanding why young people are today the poorest population in our country.

The current state of early childhood care in France

Access to childcare is a key factor in preventing inequality from an early age. However, this access is far from equal in France. This note explains why.

Child welfare (Aide Sociale à l'Enfance): understanding

How does Aide Sociale à l'Enfance work? Why are young people placed in care? How are they received and what happens to them? A note to help you better understand these different elements.

Child and youth poverty in figures

How many children and young people are poor in France? What is the proportion of single-parent families, large families, families inactive? How many live in urban or rural areas? All the answers are in this analysis note.

  • Enlightening articles: These publications offer a detailed analysis of the challenges of poverty and present innovative initiatives to address them. You can read them freely below.
L'enfant et les devoirs d'école

Understanding social determinism in France through school

As explained in our study “Inequalities from an early age”, from the earliest years of a child’s life, their knowledge base varies according to their social background. From then on, the inequalities built up in early childhood become more pronounced, crystallizing in secondary school. This illustrates and helps understanding the mechanisms of social determinism in France through a concrete example.


Children’s health, a key development issue :

“A healthy mind in a healthy body” – this well-known expression sums up the crucial importance of good physical and mental health, right from the very first years of life. The conditions in which a child grows up play a decisive role in his or her future development, particularly during the first 1,000 days, when poor health can have profound repercussions on adult life.


Young people and digital technology: the key to professional integration

The financial aspect and the feeling of a lack of skills are factors cited by many French people as an obstacle to digital use. A quarter of French people say they are not sufficiently proficient in these online tools, a figure that rises to 20% among young people and 33% among those with no qualifications. Many people experience digital technology as an obstacle. This reflects the digital insecurity and illiteracy still prevalent in France.

1 kid, 1 story

Discover the inspiring stories of young people who, despite the challenges of poverty, share their stories, their successes, their failures, and their aspirations.


Do you have questions about poverty and its issues?


Check out our Q&A section, where Break Poverty answers the most frequently asked questions to help you better understand this complex phenomenon and its consequences.

To find out more

Contact Christophe Sanchez, Director of Studies and Strategy.

Site web photos

Photo credits : Windows Unsplash, Rodrigo Pereira Unsplash, Nicole Honeywill Unsplash et RFstudio Pexels

[1] More precisely, it takes 6 generations for people from the first decile to reach the average income level.

[2] OCDE (2018), L’ascenceur social en panne ? Comment promouvoir la mobilité sociale.

[3] Hart B., Risley T. (2004), The Early Catastrophe, Education Review

[4] OCDE (2018), Résultats du PISA 2018, Fiche pays France

[5] Bernard P.Y (2012), Le décrochage scolaire est-il une affaire de classes ?, Revue de santé scolaire et universitaire

[6] France Stratégie (2018), Nés sous la même étoile ? Origine sociale et niveau de vie, Note d’analyse n°68