Break Poverty Foundation is a French humanitarian organization that fights poverty by acting on its causes. In particular, it works with children and young people to help them escape poverty.

Break Poverty’s vision is to eradicate social determinism from an early age, combat poverty in the long term, and create a world where poor children do not become poor adults.

To give every young person access to a first job, whatever their background, and to change the scale of the fight against poverty, our teams place impact and innovation at the heart of our programs.

Find out more about Break Poverty’s various support programs to combat poverty in France.

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In the pursuit of our transparent and informative approach, we will send you the different updates regarding the financed projets and the progression of the aid programs led by the humanitarian foundation, Break Poverty.



To mark the release of its new study “Inequalities from an early age: understanding and taking action”, Break Poverty Foundation organized a conference at the French Ministry of Health and Solidarity. Christophe Sanchez, Break Poverty’s Director of Innovation, presented the main conclusions of the study, …

The Dotation d’Action Territoriale is a contribution from companies that choose to allocate part of their profits to local projects. The DAT is an innovative system aimed at mobilizing local businesses to fund associative projects that combat social determinism affecting youth in their areas.
Réussite Connectée program has contributed to the success of over 12,000 disadvantaged young people by offering them mentoring, digital workshops and the equipment they need to flourish.
2,8 MILLIARDS de personnes vivent avec moins de 1,70€ par jour


people in France are poor

1 ENFANT SUR 5 en France, est pauvre

1 in 5 children

in France, is poor

100 000 JEUNES en décrochage scolaire chaque année en France

100 000 teenagers

drop out of school each year in France

Several ways to support us

Because ending poverty is a challenge we must fight together, we will double the amount of your donation to Break Poverty Foundation.

Sponsorship at Break Poverty Foundation, through the support of our programs, is a way of directly contributing to the fight against extreme poverty. Financial donations, salary round-up, skill-based sponsorship…

The bequest allows you to donate all or a portion of your assets to the people of your choice and/or to a foundation like ours, beyond your lifetime or the one of your surviving spouse. In this manner, you retain your assets for the entirety of your life.

This donation allows you to transfer, while alive and in an irrevocable manner, an asset of your choosing. Your gift can be of a real estate nature (one or more properties), of a financial amount, an investment portfolio or even an art piece.

Stay in touch

Follow our updates on social media to remain informed about the evolution of our different commitments against the poverty of children and of their families across the world.