Support during early childhood

Our diagnostic

  1. Children born in precarious families have a higher risk of exhibiting development delays (physical and cognitive) 1
  2. Aggravating factor: the most destitute families are less likely to attend institutions that facilitate the development of their children, 5% of children from modest families are kept in day-care centers versus 22% for wealthy families 2
  3. Important learning gaps upon entering school : 1000 words of disparity upon entering the first grade between children coming from modest and wealthy families 3
  4. A delay in development which has longstanding impacts on the academic and professional success of young adults : 27% of young adults have access to first employment versus 47% after being closely guided and accompanied during early childhood (strategy Abecedarian tested in the United States in the 1970s) 4

Our objective

The Break Poverty Foundation engages itself to offer the same conditions that foster development for children coming from destitute families than children coming from wealthy families.

The type of intervention we can support

  • Innovative development devices (cognitive, lingual, etc.) to reinforce the learning capabilities of the child from a young age
  • Supportive schemes for parenthood allowing the most impoverished parents to accompany the growth and development of their child
  • The addition of individual and collective supportive centers adapted to cope and nurture the realities and constraints of the most destitute families (quality of life, shifting schedules, lingual proficiency, etc.)

1 Direction de la santé publique (2011), les inégalités sociales de santé, Agence de la santé et des services sociaux de Montréal
2 DREES (2017), Le choix de la crèche comme mode d’accueil, entre bénéfices pour l’enfant et adaptation aux contraintes
3 Délégation Interministérielle à la prévention et à la lutte contre la pauvreté (2018), Stratégie nationale de lutte contre la pauvreté
4 Terra Nova (2017), Investissons dans la petite enfance – l’égalité des chances se joue avant la maternelle

Credits : Andrew Ibrahim, Unsplash.