The economic consequences of the health crisis on the French population are dramatic, with an estimated one million people having fallen below the poverty line in 2020....
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The economic consequences of the health crisis on the French population are dramatic, with an estimated one million people having fallen below the poverty line in 2020....
Break Poverty’s study on early childhood poverty and food aid, which surveyed around 100 parents with children aged 0-3 receiving food support, paints an alarming picture of poverty among young children in France, its impact on family stress and its exponential rise due to the Covid-19 crisis....
Digital skills are essential for citizens to be fully integrated in today’s society. Most administrative formalities are carried out online, whether it’s completing a tax return, looking for work or creating a business. But what about those on the other side of the digital divide?...
The young are the first victims of poverty. In France, a child out of five lives in precarious environments. In the world, 50% of the children are very poor....
Despite the improvement in the past 10 years, much has yet to be done, especially when looking at a school’s role in providing equal opportunities to all....
The most exposed or at risk of poverty are the youth, single-parent families, the unemployed, and the urban population....
Jean François Yon (2016) Les Editions de l’Atelier
ATD Quart Monde (2016) Editions Quart Monde
Patrick Cingolani (2017) Que sais-je ?
Abhijit V. Banerjee et Esther Duflo (2011) Editions Seuil
Nicolas Duvoux (2017) Que sais-je ?
Xavier Godinot (2008) PUF
Credits : Nicontents, Unsplash.