30 Aug 2024 The number of poor people in France continues to rise
The number of people living in poverty continues to rise in France, according to a study by INSEE published on Wednesday, September 9, 2020.
The figures are official: in 2018, France had 9.3 million people living below the poverty line, compared to 8.9 million the previous year. This brings the poverty rate to 14.8% of the general population, a 0.7-point increase in just one year.
The median standard of living in France was estimated at 1,771 € per month in 2018. In other words, half of the French population has a standard of living above this amount, and the other half below it. The poverty line, set at 60% of the median income, is therefore estimated at 1,063 € per month. This means that 9.3 million French people earn less than 1,063 € each month.
In addition to the increasing number of people living below the poverty line (despite the stagnation in the median standard of living), the study also highlights that the poorest 10% have seen their standard of living decrease by 2.9% over the past ten years. This decline is particularly due to the reduction in housing benefits, which has affected household incomes.
Finally, the child poverty rate also increased in 2018. Rising from 20.1% to 21%, more than one in five children now lives in poverty. This increase is mainly due to the decline in the standard of living among single-parent families, who were hit hardest by the housing benefit reform, an aid received by one in two families.
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Photo credit : Kelly Sikkema, Unsplash.
Source : INSEE