La DAT : What is it ?

Dotation d’Action Territoriale, or DAT, is a voluntary allocation by the company, of up to 2% of its net income, to projects fighting youth poverty in its area.

The company undertakes to support one or more local projects of its choice over a 3-year period.

The DAT : how does it work ?

The DAT idea emerged from two observations :

-Associative projects with a strong impact on young people in difficulty lack the resources to scale up and spread across the territory to cover all needs.

Despite a willingness on the part of companies to get involved, only 1.6% of them commit to social projects through sponsorship, often due to a lack of resources and in-house expertise in these areas.

The Dotation d’Action Territoriale is a 4-step solution to this dual problem.

Diagnostic territorial des besoins

of territorial needs

Defining priority areas for action in poverty prevention

Identification des projets locaux

of local projects

Selection of key projects on the basis of various criteria : Need awareness / Efficiency / Potential for change of scale / Organizational soundness

Mobilisation des entreprises locales

of local companies

Each company is committed to supporting one or more local projects over a three-year period.

Suivi de l'avancement des projets & mesure d'impact

and impact measurements

A half-yearly progress report is also available to companies.

National development of DAT

Following the success of the 3 pilot projects in Nantes, Romans-sur-Isère and Béthune, where over a million euros were raised to finance around 20 projects and support 10,000 young people, Break Poverty Foundation teams are currently rolling out the DAT in some 40 regions to support 100,000 young people.

To do this, we provide free support to local players (local authorities, territorial foundations and employer networks). And we’ll be there every step of the way !

To find out more about the deployment of DAT, visit our dedicated website !

Our regional delegates :

Sabrina Djaouti
Delegate Île-de-France – Normandie

Sarah Philippe
Delegate Hauts-de-France – Lille

Margaux Meauxsoone
Delegate Sud-Est

Julie Masselis
Delegate Ile-de-France, Grand-Ouest et Grand Est

Our Dotation d’Action Territoriale manager

Anne-Claire Petit
DAT Supervisor

They support the expansion of DAT :

Photo credit : Andrew Ibrahim, Unsplash.