Tax deduction for donations

Find out more about tax-free donations

Your donations to Break Poverty to help tackle youth poverty continue to be tax-deductible up to 66% of the amount.

So how does it work ?

You make a donation in year N. In the spring of year N+1, you declare the donation on your tax return.

The tax authorities automatically calculate an advance payment of 60% of the tax reduction linked to your donation. This instalment is paid in mid-January of year N+2, directly into the bank account indicated on your tax return.

You don’t have to do a thing ! The balance of the tax reduction will be paid in the summer of N+2, after you have filed your tax return for N+1 in the spring of the same year.

How can I benefit from my tax reduction ?

For example, you donated 200 € in 2023 and 400 € in 2024.

  • In 2024, you will benefit from a 132 € tax reduction for your 2023 donations.
  • In 2025, you will benefit from a 264 € tax reduction for your 2024 donations.

Here’s how it works in detail :

  1. Without you having to do anything further, on January 15, 2025 you will receive a transfer of 79.20 € from the tax authorities (i.e. 60 % of 132 € calculated on the basis of your 200 € donations in 2023).
  2. You will include the 400 € of donations made in 2024 in the tax return you will file in the spring of 2025.
  3. You will receive a transfer of 184.80 € in the summer of 2025 (264 € due for your 2024 donations minus 79.20 € already received as an advance in January 2025).

What happens if the tax reduction for my donations in 2023 is less than the advance payment I receive in January 2025 ?

If the amount of your donations in 2024 is less than the amount of your donations in 2023, you will receive on January 15, 2025 an advance payment of 60 % of the reduction based on the amount of your donations in 2023. The tax authorities will then ask you to repay the difference in the summer of 2025.

Your generosity and solidarity towards the most vulnerable continue to be rewarded and even strengthened thanks to this advantageous tax system.

In fact, if you really want to donate 100 € to support Break Poverty Foundation’s actions, you can make a donation of 300 € on our 100 % secure website, which, after tax reduction, will only cost you 102 €, whereas we will receive 300 € to fund our actions.

Don’t wait any longer, let’s work together to ensure that a child born into a poor family doesn’t become a poor adult !

Pour plus d’information, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter

Photo credits : Joseph Gonzalez, Unsplash, et l’équipe de Break Poverty.
