Make a donation against poverty

Support Break Poverty

Every child deserves a chance to succeed in life. Donating to Break Poverty Foundation means tackling the roots of poverty by funding dozens of projects and helping thousands of children and young people.

Our goal by 2026 : to reach 100,000 young beneficiaries !

Our fields of action :

  • early childhood support
  • school dropout prevention
  • access to first jobs

So that a poor child of today does not become a poor adult of tomorrow.
Join us and take action with your donation !

40 €/ month

That is 13,58 € after tax reduction

You offer mentoring support to an underprivileged young person.

30 €/ month

That is 10,17 € after tax reduction

You give a baby a hygiene kit (diapers, wipes and liniment)

20 €/ mois

That is 6,83 € after tax reduction

You’re offering a child aged 6 to 11 a schooling program tailored to his or her needs.

15 €/ month

That is 5,08 € after tax reduction

 You offer early-learning workshops for children under 3.

Why should you put your trust in us ?

Pourquoi nous faire confiance ?


Making a donation against poverty is a gesture recognized by the state.
All you have to do is specify the amount of your donation on your income tax return (IRPP) and provide the corresponding tax receipt, which we will send you by e-mail.

The deduction will take effect when your tax is calculated, even with the deduction at source.
After tax reduction, your donation will cost you only 34% of its amount.

Don’t hesitate !
What does withholding tax mean for my donations ?

Here are some examples of our program

Contact us :


+33 1 87 44 69 96

email address :

Photo credits : W3Jl3jREpDY, Unsplash. Barbara Ribeiro, Pexels. Pololia, Adobe Stock.