That is ... € after tax deduction.
This is the most popular
amount chosen by our donors
Every child deserves a chance to succeed in life. With your support, Break Poverty Foundation can work towards making this happen. Join us!
At Break Poverty Foundation, sponsorship allows you to directly contribute to the fight against extreme poverty by supporting our programs. Close to a billion children live below the poverty line in the world, and this amounts to 1 in 5 children in France. Break Poverty Foundation expands the reach of innovative programs and research projects. You can support them by becoming a sponsor.
The fight against poverty has begun. Our teams are dedicated to identifying, developing and supporting innovative and impactful projects.
These projects would not come to fruition without the support of our sponsors.
You can either choose to directly support Break Poverty Foundation and we will allocate your aid to the programs we deem a priority.
Or you can choose to support the needs of the specific projects or research programs that you would like to help.
You wish to support a project over the span of 3 years? Much more than a spontaneous donation, this method creates a powerful connection and proximity with the actors and beneficiaries of the project that you will have chosen, directly linking you to its progression. A convention will be established between your company and Break Poverty Foundation.
This is the quickest, simplest and most efficient method of supporting the actions led by Break Poverty Foundation.
If you wish, we can target your donation to a specific project that you are particularly enthusiastic about or we can simply use it to contribute to our programs depending on their level of priority.
You can choose to implement a solidarity ’rounding’ option on salary for the employees in your company who would like to contribute in this manner. The extra cents donated would then be withdrawn from their monthly salary. It would also be possible for the rounded figure to be increased by the employee. The employer could also add to the contribution. Your company could in this way participate in the donation of each of your collaborators. A simple and collaborative way of fighting against poverty!
Upon agreement with the company, an employee can provide Break Poverty foundation with his or her skills free of charge, thereby contributing to a project of social utility. An interesting alternative for those who wish to fully implicate themselves in helping the most destitute.
Crédits photos : Julian Scagliola, Michael Mims, Unsplash.