Areas of Intervention

What ought to be done to combat the alarming statistic that six generations are needed today for a French citizen to escape poverty while only two generations are needed for a Danish citizen1?

Our deepest conviction is that this determinism can only be broken if we strive to prevent poverty amongst the youngest. Thus, our mission is to reduce the gaps between children coming from modest families and children coming from wealthy families, from early childhood to professional integration.

Early childhood


Access to employment

1OCDE (2018), L’ascenseur social en panne ? Comment promouvoir la mobilité sociale
2Betty Hart, Todd Risley (2004), The Early Catastrophe, Education Review
3Ministère de l’enseignement supérieur (2017), Le niveau d’étude selon le milieu social
4Centre d’observation de la société (2017), tel père, tel fils, l’inégalité des chances reste élevée



Credits : Andrew Ibrahim, Unsplash