Because every child should have the same opportunities to live and thrive, the Break Poverty Foundation, under the aegis of the Caritas Foundation, designs and implements innovative solutions with a strong social impact for disadvantaged young people, with the aim of eradicating poverty in France.
Break Poverty Foundation is focusing on 3 areas of intervention :
early childhood
the fight against school drop-out
professional integration
As an expert in the field of poverty, Break Poverty Foundation creates alliances between private, public and non-profit players at local level to combat the causes of poverty in France.
Our mission : to build a world where poor children don’t become poor adults
Since the 2018 Finance Act, the Impôt de Solidarité sur la Fortune (ISF) no longer exists and has been replaced by an annual tax on real estate assets not allocated to their owner’s professional activity called Impôt sur la Fortune Immobilière (IFI).
Anyone liable for this tax can deduct from their IFI 75 % of the amount of their donations to a foundation such as Break Poverty Foundation under the aegis of the Caritas Foundation, up to a limit of 50 000 € / year.
IFI taxpayers can therefore make cash donations of up to 66 667 € to Break Poverty under the aegis of the Caritas Foundation, in order to reach the 50 000 € maximum.
after tax deduction
Thanks to you, we’re one step closer to achieving our ambition of supporting 100,000 underprivileged children and young people nationwide by 2026.
Make a tax-deductible donation and fight against the social determinism that condemns poor children to lifelong poverty.