Un jeune élève dans une salle de classe, avec une enseignante qui l'aide à rédiger sur une feuille avec un stylo, pour montrer le soutien scolaire nécessaire contre le décrochage

Conference-debate : putting an end to young people dropping out of school

Event organized by Break Poverty in connection with the release of its own study on the subject

An alarming fact

Every year, almost 100,000 young people find themselves permanently excluded from school, training and employment. The majority of these young people will be tomorrow’s outcasts. But who are they ? What is their background ? Can we put an end to this fate ? And how ?

To coincide with the release of its study “Le décrochage des jeunes : comprendre et agir”, Break Poverty Foundation is organizing a conference-debate to answer these questions. The event will cover the subject of dropping out of school, as well as solutions for dealing with it, and will feature a number of key events.

During this event, on January 11, 2023 at 6pm at Banque Postale headquarters, professionals and experts will meet to discuss the information gathered and the resulting social findings.


5:45pm: Welcome of participants

6:00 pm: Presentation of the study by its 2 co-authors: Pierre Derieux, Director, and Christophe Sanchez, Director of Programs, Break Poverty Foundation.

6:30 pm: Round-table discussion moderated by Bernard de la Villardière on the theme “How to put an end to young people dropping out of school?

In the presence of :

Jérôme Saltet, creator of PlayBac and author of the book “Changer le Collège, c’est possible” (“Changing high school is possible”)
Coralie Chevallier, researcher in cognitive science at ENS
Anne de Rozario, Deputy Director General, ONISEP
Jean-Claude Juvigny, Principal of Collège Vauban in Briançon and President of the 432A association
Stéphanie Martin-Savi, Managing Director of Envol, La Banque Postale’s corporate philanthropy program for equal opportunity.

7:30 pm: Conclusion by Marlène Schiappa, Secretary of State for the Social and Solidarity Economy and Associative Life

To find out more about our study and to benefit from the expertise

from our guests at this conference-debate :


Photo credits : © Shutterstock