In 2021, two brothers, Yves and Jean Rouilly, formulated a wish that was dear to them : to facilitate access to education and social integration for the most vulnerable children and young people through the creation of a family fund.
With this in mind, they decided, in full agreement with their families, to create and finance the “Rouilly Fund for Access to Education” in partnership with Break Poverty.
The purpose of this fund is to provide 100,000 € a year in support of projects that facilitate access to education, particularly for disadvantaged young people. These projects are recommended and evaluated regularly by Break Poverty teams.
Following Yves Rouilly’s death and in accordance with his wishes, Virginie and Jean Rouilly will ensure the development of this fund.
“Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world” – Nelson Mandela
Because every child and young person must have the same opportunities to succeed, the Rouilly Fund for Education supports innovative solutions to promote access to education.
The Rouilly Fund for Education is committed to supporting school dropout prevention schemes, as well as projects enabling young people from modest backgrounds to develop their full potential.
The Rouilly Fund for Education is mobilized to support schemes that facilitate professional integration, particularly for young people from modest backgrounds.
For several years, Yves Rouilly and his brother Jean had expressed their desire to devote part of their wealth to useful causes.
In response to this shared desire, they decided in 2021 to jointly launch a family foundation dedicated to facilitating access to education, an essential condition for fostering social integration.
Their ambition was to support initiatives designed to remove obstacles to access to education and the transmission of knowledge such as disabilities, illiteracy, school dropout and poverty.
To develop this project, they finally opted to create the “Rouilly Fund for Access to Education”, hosted and managed by Break Poverty.
Make a donation and contribute to access to education for vulnerable children and young people.
Photo credits : Michal Parzuchowski Unsplash, Neonbrand Unsplash, Shutterstock, Unsplash