30 Aug 2024 Covid-19 #Emergency connection : Operation 10,000 computers
Break Poverty Foundation
Endowment fund created in 2017 by Denis Metzger, former President of Action contre la Faim. Since its creation, Break Poverty Foundation has supported programs to prevent poverty among young people. Preventing school dropout is one of its key areas of focus. Break Poverty Foundation is behind the Dotation d’Action Territoriale. This innovative scheme creates territorial alliances to combat youth poverty. The National Strategy for the Fight against Poverty includes this scheme in its program.
Emmaüs Connect
The association has been working since 2013 to ensure that digital technology also benefits people in precarious situations. The association works on the ground to meet the needs of people in need and the professionals who support them. It designs educational resources and offers workshops to introduce people to key digital services. It also offers solidarity access to equipment and connections.
Collectif Mentorat
This collective brings together the leading associations involved in sponsoring and mentoring disadvantaged young people: AFEV, Article 1, Chemins d’Avenirs, Nos Quartiers ont du Talent, Socrate, Institut Telemaque, Proxité and Entraide Scolaire Amicale. Every year, this collective supports 7,000 underprivileged young people throughout France. Its mission is to help them succeed at school, find their bearings, gain access to culture and find their first job.