26 Aug 2024 #Connexion d’Urgence : un grand merci à nos partenaires !
An initial goal of equipping 10,000 young people with a computer
From the very first hours of the lockdown, the most disadvantaged children often faced an insurmountable challenge. They had to continue learning, choose their educational path, and prepare for their professional future—all without access to school, without a workspace, without connection tools, and without the necessary parental support. It was in this context that we launched the “Connexion d’Urgence” initiative.
To address this urgent need and enable these young people to continue their studies at home and prepare for their future careers, Emmaüs Connect, the Mentorship Collective (Afev, Article 1, Chemins d’avenirs, ESA, Institut Télémaque, NQT, Proxité, and Socrate), Break Poverty Foundation, and the SFR Foundation mobilized to quickly provide 10,000 young people with a computer and an internet connection.
The targeted disadvantaged youth live all across France. They are identified by associations and organizations such as Child Welfare Services, the Mentorship Collective, shelters or assisted housing structures affiliated with FAS, Second Chance Schools, and other major solidarity networks like the French Red Cross and Secours Populaire.
[Watch our presentation video of the #Connexion d’Urgence initiative]
12,400 Devices Already Distributed or in Progress, with Another 5,000 Planned
To date, we have gathered nearly 12,400 computers and tablets as part of the “Connexion d’Urgence” initiative. The majority of this equipment is refurbished and purchased from the French market. We have also received many in-kind donations (3,090 computers and tablets). The computers, purchased at low cost, meet specific technical requirements validated by Emmaüs Connect.
Many organizations focused on inclusion and disability are working daily to ensure the distribution of this equipment to beneficiaries. However, the logistics are complex during this period of confinement.
1,100 computers have been distributed to young people supported by the Mentorship Collective. Nearly 5,660 computers have been provided to youth in Child Welfare Services. Finally, 5,653 devices have been allocated to the Federation of Solidarity Actors and partner associations of Emmaüs Connect.
Such a result would not have been possible without strong mobilization from companies, foundations, and public authorities, allowing us to raise nearly 2 million euros in just one month.
The initiative continues. The easing of lockdown measures does not signal a return to school for everyone. Some will not return to classrooms until September. For all the others, still without computers and facing complicated family environments, they will now have to catch up on the accumulated delay. The risk of dropping out of school is at its highest—this is their future at stake !