Material and social deprivation in France: a frightening reality

At the start of 2023, 13.6% of the population in France was facing material and social deprivation.

What does it really mean ?

The European Union’s material and social deprivation indicator is defined as the proportion of people living in ordinary housing who are unable to cover the costs of at least five of the thirteen items considered desirable, or even necessary, for an acceptable standard of living according to INSEE :

These include :

  • Not being able to buy new clothes for financial reasons (10.5% in 2023)
  • Paying rent, interest and bills on time (9.4% in 2023)
  • Having Internet access at home (1.3% in 2023)

These deprivations have increased over the previous year, particularly affecting single-parent families, large families and blue-collar workers.

Breaking the cycle of poverty

Financial hardship in the teen years increases the risk of deprivation in adulthood.

That’s why Break Poverty is committed to breaking this cycle, preventing poor children from becoming poor adults.

Take action to repair the social elevator


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Sources :

« La privation matérielle et sociale en 2023 », La formation des élues, CIDEFE Actualité, INSEE 11 juillet 2024

Définition « Privation matérielle et sociale, INSEE, 8 Juillet 2021

« La privation matérielle et sociale en 2023 », François Gleizes et Julie Solard, INSEE, 11 juillet 2024

Photo credit : Poco_bw, Lucian Coman’s images.