That is ... € after tax deduction.
This is the most popular
amount chosen by our donors
Break Poverty is committed to providing children from low-income families with the same educational opportunities as children from high-income families.
The Dotation d’Action Territoriale (DAT) is a Break Poverty program. This is a voluntary allocation by the company, of up to 2% of its net income, to finance projects to combat poverty among young people in its territory.
The company undertakes to support one or more local projects of its choice over a three-year period.
The projects supported by Break Poverty are rigorously selected according to 4 main criteria :
1 Direction de la santé publique (2011), les inégalités sociales de santé, Agence de la santé et des services sociaux de Montréal
2 DREES (2017), Le choix de la crèche comme mode d’accueil, entre bénéfices pour l’enfant et adaptation aux contraintes
3 Délégation Interministérielle à la prévention et à la lutte contre la pauvreté (2018), Stratégie nationale de lutte contre la pauvreté
4 Terra Nova (2017), Investissons dans la petite enfance – l’égalité des chances se joue avant la maternelle
Photo credits : Andrew Ebrahim – Unsplash, Yankrukov – Pexels, Stephen Andrews – Pexels, CDC library – Pexels, Rethaferguson – Pexels, Panel Danilyuk – Pexels.